12 Symptoms of Early Start of Alzheimer’s
December 25, 2018‘’ Are you suffering from Alzheimer’s!”? It’s a common joke when people forget to do something.
For some people, first symptoms appear at early ages, in their 40s and 50s. If you are interested in finding all the symptoms for an early start of Alzheimer’s, you should read this article below.
You’re increasingly forgetful
This is the first and most important symptom which you should take very seriously because everyone in his busy life sometimes forgets something, but this should not become a common thing. If you have trouble remembering things from your life more often than usual, you must go to your doctor.
You keep losing things
If you are constantly losing your daily items like glasses, keys, phone, and wallet, it might become a serious problem for you an early start of Alzheimer’s. Many clinics for this ill said that people with this disease often misplace their possessions and put them in non-logical places, like keys in the fridge. This is a very important sign of Alzheimer’s; you must pay attention and visit your doctor.
You keep repeating things
This is the sign that your friends and family will notice first. If you are repeating the same questions and you’re saying the same things over and over you must consider going to your doctor for examinations because this is the early onset for Alzheimer’s. If your old ones do not recall for frequently question you should pay extra attention to that.
Sleep patterns change
This is also an indicator of early onset Alzheimer’s because everyone with this condition has trouble with sleeping patterns. People with Alzheimer’s stay up late, wake up more than one time in a night and get tired during the day.

image source: health line
You have trouble doing basic tasks
Every brain has slower processing speed as we are aging, it is natural to state and something that all must experience in the journey called –getting older. The tricky part is for those who are suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s because they often manifest lack of ability to accomplish tasks. This brain slowdown is a big deal and signs you should not ignore.
You experience confusion
When you are suffering from Alzheimer’s your life is pretty confused and can cause you usually frustrations. Just imagine how you would feel one day that you cannot remember how to drive home from work.
Change in personality
Half of the people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s have a change in personality. Those changes always include anxiety, depression, aggression, anger, fear, suspicion, and loss of inhibition.
Trouble writing or speaking
This is something you will notice very easy. If you have trouble to remember some words when you are speaking or writing you should visit your doctor because your brain is forgetting letters and you will feel foggy and confused. This is very hard for people to understand because you will be anger at yourself because you are forgetting something that is so easy to remember.
You want to withdraw from life
Soon after you start noticing and experiencing symptoms, you may begin to avoid your friends and family and you eventually lose interest in all your activities. Everything that you love to do in your free time you will through away.

You experience vision problems
This is another sign that you can mix with typical middle age symptom, but if you losing rapid your vision, or cannot distinguish colors or distance, this is for sure symptom for early Alzheimer’s.
It runs in the family
This is the kind of illness that have a genetic component, so you have more chance to have this terrible disease if someone in your family suffered from it, too.
Your family or friends think you may have it
It is probably that your friends and family will notice this disorder before you do because it is hard to notice all the symptoms when it comes to you. But if your family, friends or you notice even one symptom from the list above you should get an appointment at your doctor`s.
Like every other disorder it is hard to live with it but with all the knowledge and the information about the condition, you can have a better life.