How Much and How Often to Feed Your Baby With Milk Formula

How Much and How Often to Feed Your Baby With Milk Formula

February 12, 2022 0 By Patrick Fletcher

How to feed your baby when it comes to formula milk is a question that a lot of moms worry about. Whether you’ve decided to formula feed your baby from the start or if you’re just getting started you should know that there is the right dosage for each baby.

How to know the ideal time period for your baby not to go too hungry? Is milk what they really need or are they cranky/sleepy or demand a new diaper? Keep on reading as we uncover the perfect ”formula” and answer all of your questions.

When to feed your baby?


Newborns and young babies should be fed whenever they seem hungry. This can be hard to tell or notice if you are a first-time mom. This type of feeding is also known as on-demand feeding.

This is when most babies will ask for formula every 2 to 3 hours. It is always a good idea to discuss your plans and feeding habits with a doctor.

PS: There is also a general rule that says that your baby should take in about 2½ ounces (75 mL) of formula a day for every pound (453 g) of body weight.

What are the signs that your child is hungry?


The list can go on and on, and this is different for each child and their specific case. However, in most cases, here is how you can tell:

  • They are moving their heads from side to side often
  • Constantly sticking out a tongue
  • Putting fingers into their mouth
  • Making a ”duck face”, as if they’re trying to suck breasts

This is when you should react and jump in, do not wait for them to get grumpy and start crying. If your baby finishes eating on one breast and seems full, try burping your baby and changing their diaper (if needed), then offer the other breast. If your baby doesn’t seem interested or doesn’t want to latch, it is a good indicator that they are full.

How much should a baby drink? Calculation per each month


  • Newborns will need around 60- to 90-milliliter every 2 hours. Between 1 and 3 months of age, your baby’s appetite will increase and they’ll become more vocal about telling you when they’re hungry.
  • At about 2 months they will need 120–150 milliliters every 3–4 hours.
  • Months 3-6 it is abou1 20-180 milliliters for each meal/feeding period. Most babies are ready to start solids around 5 or 6 months of age. If your child is eating other foods you can go quite easy with the milk.
  • 6 months + they will need 180–230 milliliters about 4–5 times a day.

As babies grow, they begin to eat more (as you’d imagine), making their portions bigger yet having longer in-between periods. This is why their stomach may feel full and fed, giving you a lot more flexible hours.

How to know if you’re doing a good job?


At times, you may wonder whether your baby is getting enough nutrients for healthy growth and development. You may also be confused or worried about this if this is your first newborn baby, especially if it was born prematurely.

However, your doctor will do regular check-ups and have all of your questions answered while giving full and proper examination, you won’t have to worry about it. Your baby will usually be weighed at birth and again at around 5 and 10 days.

After that healthy babies only need to be weighed once a month up to 6 months of age. During this period he or she will grow and you should keep track of their weight and tell the doctor about any irregularities.

FAQ about feeding & milk

What to do if you have to feed away from home?


It is always a good idea to travel lightly and be prepared for feeding your little one. This is why you should have a previously measured amount of formula powder in a small, clean, and dry container. Bring a vacuum flask and a clean bottle with you.

Make up a fresh feed only when your baby needs it. The water must still be hot when you use it. You can ask for help from a clean and trustworthy restaurant for a bit of assistance if you’re feeling lost.

Is it possible to use bottled water to create infant formula?

Bottled water is not recommended for making up infant formula feeds for your baby. You should only include high-quality products and items when it comes to their health.

This is because it’s not usually sterile and may contain too much salt (sodium) or sulfate. Be careful and cautious with this move.

What are the different types of formulas?


  1. A) Cow milk – it is filled with iron which is important for helping your baby grow strong. For the best outcome use iron-fortified formula.
  2. B) Soy milk – babies who have congenital lactase deficiency will like this type the most. You will also enjoy it if you’re trying to find a non-animal protein source for him or her.
  3. C) Hypoallergenic formula – this milk is a lot easier to digest and safe on sensitive bellies.
  4. D) Specialized formulas – these are specifically made for some health-related issues and concerns, such as for premature babies.

Where to find something that is safe?

A lot of parents are not too sure where to shop or who to trust since nowadays selection can overwhelm you, and there is a lot of options in stores.

This is why we highly recommend Organic’s Best! You will get 800 grams of product that is high-quality first infant milk formula. It is EU organic, plant-based, and vegetarian-friendly! Free of GMO and gluten while having no palm oil or sugar!

Kendamil Stage 1 is an infant formula that is appropriate from birth and designed specifically to meet the nutritional needs of your newborn babies. Enjoy great discounts with their products while knowing that your child will enjoy premium nutrition!