Managing Eczema: The Best Ways To Deal With Eczema Flares and Keep Your Skin Healthy and Comfortable

Managing Eczema: The Best Ways To Deal With Eczema Flares and Keep Your Skin Healthy and Comfortable

March 24, 2023 0 By Diane Boone

Do you suffer from eczema? It is an uncomfortable, often painful condition that can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help manage and control the symptoms of eczema flares.

In this article, we will explore some of the best ways to deal with eczema flares so that you can enjoy relief and improved comfort. From lifestyle changes to medications, well cover all the options available for managing your condition. So if youre ready to find out how to keep your skin healthy and free of flare-ups, read on!

1. Identify Triggers and Avoid Them

Identifying potential triggers of eczema flares and learning how to avoid them is essential for managing symptoms. Common triggers can include specific fabrics, stress levels, environmental allergens, and even certain foods.

Keeping a diary or journal to track your daily activities and what you eat can be helpful in uncovering the cause of any flare-ups you experience. It may also help to recognize patterns that could indicate an upcoming outbreak so that proactive steps can be taken to prevent it from occurring.

Additionally, reducing exposure to dust mites or other irritants in your home environment by using air purifiers or cleaning regularly with natural products can help reduce outbreaks as well as keeping skin hydrated through moisturizing regimes is another key factor in symptom management for eczema sufferers.

Working closely with a dermatologist who understands your condition will allow you to develop personalized strategies for preventing and treating flare-ups based on individual needs and lifestyle factors.

2. Keep Skin Moisturized with the Right Products


For those struggling with eczema flares, keeping skin moisturized is essential. Look for products that are formulated specifically for eczema-prone skin, as these contain ingredients such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid to help soothe and protect the skin barrier.

Ointments or eczema cream may be more effective than lotions at locking in moisture, but choose whichever product feels most comfortable on your skin.

Avoid using irritating fragrances or dyes and apply a generous amount of moisturizer after bathing or showering while the skin is still damp to lock in hydration. Additionally, use a humidifier during winter months when the air tends to be drier.

3. Take Medication as Directed by Your Doctor

Taking medication as prescribed by your doctor is a very important part of managing eczema flares. Different medications are available in different strengths and forms, such as creams, ointments, and pills.

It’s best to follow the instructions on the label or your doctor’s advice when taking any type of medicine. Depending on what kind of eczema you have, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter treatments or prescription drugs that can reduce inflammation and itching.

Additionally, topical steroids may be prescribed if more aggressive treatment is needed. Make sure to speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new medication so that you understand how it should be used safely and effectively for treating your condition.

4. Try Natural Remedies to Help Soothe Symptoms


When dealing with eczema flares, natural remedies can be an effective way to soothe symptoms. Herbal teas and essential oils like chamomile, lavender, and calendula have been known to help reduce inflammation.

Applying aloe vera or coconut oil directly to the skin may also provide relief from dryness and itching. Taking a warm oatmeal bath is another great option for relieving irritation as oatmeal helps draw out toxins while leaving your skin feeling moisturized.

Combining these methods with other lifestyle changes such as reducing stress levels and avoiding harsh chemicals on the skin can make a big difference in managing your eczema flare-ups.

5. Seek Professional Treatment for Severe Cases

If you are experiencing severe eczema flares, then it is important to seek professional treatment. Even when using over-the-counter remedies or natural solutions, seeing a medical specialist can help determine the best approach for your specific case.

Dermatologists have access to treatments that may be more successful than what you can buy in stores and they will be able to provide personalized advice on how to manage your eczema flare-ups.

Additionally, if other underlying conditions may be contributing to your flares, they will also be able to diagnose and treat those accordingly. Seeking professional treatment is an important step toward managing severe cases of eczema and achieving relief from painful symptoms.
