5 Tips for Growing Your Twitter Fanbase – 2020 Guide
November 25, 2020 0 By Patrick FletcherHaving more followers on Twitter is not a difficult thing to do. If you optimize your usage hours, you can have more followers in less time. You have to work on improving the quality of your content because it is not just the timing that is important.
Therefore, if you have an official business account, you have to make sure that you post all the relevant things. Furthermore, Twitter is the best source to get some real audience. Statistical reports also show that around half of the marketers use Twitter as a source to engage with their customers.
Followersbiz helps you in gaining popularity on Twitter. You can buy followers from them, so if you want to use both ways to increase your fan base. Buy some of them from their website and use different tactics to attract more. So here is a list of the tips and tricks that you can use.
1. Tweet more often

Source: medium.com
The best way to remain in business is to show that you are active on the account. Therefore, you will have to tweet more. Getting attention on Instagram and Facebook is relatively easier as compared to Twitter. Therefore, there is a need to work on an aggressive strategy.
The range of tweets may vary from 3 to 20 a day. It depends upon the competitive analysis of the market. If your account belongs to a specific business entity, you have to analyze the competitors and tweet accordingly. You can maximize the engagement of your followers through all these techniques.
The best way to manage your posts is by using social scheduling software. This software allows you to make a schedule of the posts. So you can write up the posts and schedule the time when they must be posted. The software will post them in real-time.
2. Perfect Timing

Source: medium.com
Perfect timing is an essential thing to have in life. Twitter is no exception. If you want to grab the attention of the community, you can make noise during the night when it is all silent. If you make noise during the day when everyone is at work, no one will be there to listen to you. The case with social media platforms is quite similar.
You will have to post at the time when people are using the app. Early in the morning, people are busy in their work. Most people use social media apps during the early and late afternoon. It is the time of their rest and breaks. Thus, they will be able to see the posts and will get engage in it. Furthermore, among the days, the best time is on the weekends. If you tweet late at night, your posts will be wasted.
3. Focusing on the visual content

Source: techcrunch.com
People hate to read long paragraphs. Therefore, statistical data also show that the posts having visual content get more engagement. Pictures and short video clips get more likes and shares. Furthermore, such tweets are also retweeted the most. Therefore, you should also work on the visual representation of your posts. If you want to announce something, use a picture instead of just some words.
For example, you have to announce your new collection of the season. You can tweet the pictures with a caption about the details. This is the most common technique used by brands. But if there is nothing to share as a picture, you can make your post colourful with abstract art. Or you can use some trending GIF or memes to attract the viewers. Using memes and Gifs is the trendiest thing to get attention from youngsters. You can reach them with their mindset.
4. Harnessing Hashtags

Source: meltwater.com
This is the social media era and that time of hashtags. If you want to appear on the top, the best way is to use the right hashtags. SEO tips show that using trendy hashtags is the best way to reach the top in a short time. What you have to do is quite simple. You have to keep in touch with hot topics and trendy hashtags. Whenever there is a relevant hashtag, you can use it to appear on the top search.
Furthermore, you can tweet about the trendy hashtags and get famous. But in this aspect, you have to be careful. If you are representing a brand, you cannot just tweet about anything. Your posts should be representing your brand image, moto and idea.
Tweeting about any trendy topic is okay for celebrities to gain attention but not for brands. For example, if you have a clothing brand, you can tweet about anything related to clothes happening around the world. But contrary to that, you cannot tweet about a viral video related to someone’s mockery. It will only make you look bad. So be careful about the hashtags that you use. The best way is to find the most common hashtags that people use to search for something. So whenever someone uses that word to search the related thing, your posts will appear.
5. Tagging, Retweeting, and Replying

Source: govtech.com
Only posting about relevant things is one thing and making people engage in your posts is another. It would be best if you learned this art. For instance, if you have a clothing brand, you can send it as a promotional package to some celebrities. When they post about it in their story and tag you, their followers will reach you directly. This is one way of tagging. And if you have some famous friends, you can tag them on your posts. Some of their followers will also reach you through such means.
Similarly, you should also retweet the relevant posts, especially of those people and brands who have more followers. Furthermore, replying to people makes them feel important. Take your example, if you comment on the post of a famous person or brand. You never expect them to reply to you. But what if you get a response on your comment? You will be surprised and feel more attached to them. Therefore, you can use this tactic to make your followers loyal towards your brand.