How To Avoid Wedding Party Photos Becoming A Chore (And Get Them Done Fast)
November 14, 2019I know what you’re thinking: wedding party photos – boring!
There’s nothing worse than lining up for hour after hour, snapping various photos with different assortments of people. Surely there’s a way to make the whole process more efficient.
What this needs is a business mind. Somebody who understands how to get things moving like a conveyor belt so you can get on with the fun stuff.
But how?
If your guests are anything like mine, taking wedding party photos is like trying to herd cats. Getting your guests to all line-up and look presentable is a mammoth undertaking.
You can, however, do something about it. Here’s how to get your wedding party pictures done super fast.
Take The Photos Before The Drink Starts Flowing

source: perfectmoment.net.au
People are more manageable when they’re sober. Thus, be strategic and get your photos out of the way before the wine and champagne starts flowing. The less rowdy your guests, the better they’ll behave.
Immediately after the ceremony is probably the best time to get the wedding party pictures done. Nobody has started drinking at that stage, and most people are in a cooperative mood.
Try, if possible, to use the same background for all of the photos. The photographer can then line people up and swap people out as necessary.
Before the shoot, allow people a couple of minutes to tidy themselves up so that they’re ready to go as soon as you are.
Tell Your Photographer Which Combinations Are Important, And Which Aren’t
Photographers prefer to offer more party combinations than fewer. They would rather not miss anyone out. Sometimes, though, their zealousness can make the whole affair last much longer than you want.
Proactive couples tell their photographers which combinations of people they want, and which they’re not bothered about. This selection process helps to cut down on the time that it takes to pose for all the photos enormously.
Communicate Clearly With Bridesmaids And Groomsmen
Bridesmaids and groomsmen aren’t just there for show: they’re on-hand to help things run smoothly.
One of their jobs is to make sure that it happen quickly. They should know where they’re supposed to be and what they’re doing.
Both groups should know when and how to line up and that the party photos need to be done fast. Brief your people in advance so that they can shepherd others, allowing the photographer to get on with their job.
Choose A Pro Photographer
According to PerfectMoment (A wedding studio from Sydney), professional photographers are pretty autonomous. It’s okay, therefore, to let them get on with their work.
One thing you don’t want is to spend hours going over your Pinterest board with them, showing them group pictures you want and don’t want. Almost always, it’s best to let them use their professional judgment to take the perfect snap.
By letting them use their instinct, you can speed the process up, rely on their professional understanding, and move on to the next stage in the event.
Don’t Make It A Chore

source: perfectmoment.net.au
Wedding photos shouldn’t be a chore, so don’t make it one.
I always find that the best wedding photos are the ones in which people are having fun. Weddings are a special day. They’re a chance for you to get together with all of the important people in your life and share the experience.
While party photos are something that has to be done, it doesn’t have to feel like work. You can make it your own by letting your personality shine through. It’s surprisingly easy when you know-how.
Make Sure That Everyone Listens To The Instructions
Not listening to instructions is the main reason why the wedding party photos take so long. There’s always somebody not paying attention or doing what they’re told.
Again, here’s where a briefing with the bridesmaids and groomsmen can help. Tell them that you must finish the party photos by a specific time.
Perhaps it’s so that you can cut the cake or eat the wedding breakfast – it doesn’t matter – just so long as they understand the urgency of the situation.
Getting your wedding party pictures done super quickly can add to your day enormously. Not only do you avoid it feeling like a chore, but you can keep to your schedule.
An efficient shoot can help you get ahead and ensure that everything runs like clockwork, unlike most weddings, where things fall behind.
I love the wedding party pictures. They let you capture the magic of the day, but they don’t need to drag on.