8 Exercises That Will Help You Tone Muscles in Your Arms

8 Exercises That Will Help You Tone Muscles in Your Arms

December 11, 2018 0 By Athena Campos

Although it is believed that you need to go to the gym and be able to bench press or lift heavy weights to have strong arms, that really is not necessary. If you want to have strong and sculpted arms, you don’t need to buy any kind of equipment. You can do some exercises in the comfort of your home with some household items that you already have.

We present you 8 easy exercises that will help you tone your arm muscles. And what’s more important you can do these exercises while taking a break from your work, while watching your favorite show, or even early in the morning while preparing breakfast. But before everything remember to warm up your muscles to prevent injuries.


Arm circles

This exercise will strengthen your shoulders and arms, and you can do it without any equipment.

How to this exercise:

You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and extend your arms out straight to the sides, and form a letter T with your body. Then you need to rotate your shoulders and arms and do it for 15 circles. After 15 circles do the exact same thing but in reverse direction. You can do 3 sets of this exercise.

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Triceps Dips

With this exercise, you will use your body weight to build your triceps. A base for this can be the floor, a bench, a chair, or even a table.

How to do it:

Your hands need to be shoulder-width apart on the base that you have chosen, and your pelvis and bottom need to be shifted forward, so there is a gap between your back and the base. Bend your legs in a 90-degree angle with your feet on the ground. Then lower your body down and back up and repeat it 12 times. Again do 3 sets.

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Biceps curls to push press

If you don’t have any weights you can use something that you already have in your house, like a bottle of some kind. This exercise is great for your bicep muscles.

How to do it:

Stand with your back straight and hold a bottle in one hand while your arm is extended down to your side. Your elbow needs to be close to your body and you need to lift the bottle to your shoulder in a controlled motion. Then you need to extend your arm to the top and lift the bottle above your head.

Try to do it 8 times with one arm than the same with the other. Do both sides for 3 sets.

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Plank sidewalk

This is great for your abdominal muscles and your arms too.

How to do this exercise:

You should place yourself in an elevated plank position, extend your legs behind while your core in-line with the rest of the body. Move your hands and feet to one side, return to the starting point and do the same in the opposite direction. Do this for one minute.

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Kickboxing punches

What is better at burning calories than kickboxing punches. They are also great for your arms and upper back.

How to do this exercise:

Your arm needs to be in a 45-degree angle and your fist below the jawline. Imagine a target in front of you and start punching it. Do 15 punches with one arm and then 15 punches with the other arm. Repeat it 4 times on both sides.

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Rolling pushups

This is a little bit different from a normal pushup because your whole body is engaged.

How to do it:

Place your body like you are going to do a traditional pushup, do the pushup, and when you are going back to the starting position, lift one arm off from the ground and extend the arm toward the ceiling. For one set you need to do 10 pushups and try to do 3 sets in total.

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Side Plank

You should try side planks because you are working on your shoulders and arms too.

How to do it:

While you are lying on your side on the floor, lift your core up. For stability press your forearm into the ground and then extend your legs out. You need to engage your non-supporting arm by stretching it to the ceiling. Hold in this position for 30 seconds, then do everything again on the other side. You need to complete 2 sets for both sides.

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This exercise is great for your lower back and shoulders, and gluteus also.

How to do it:

You need to lie on your stomach with both your arms and legs extended. You need to simultaneously lift your arms and legs off from the floor. You need to hold in this position for 3 seconds, and then come back to the position from which you started. Do this exercise 10 times, in 3 sets.

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