What Do You Need to Know to Prepare Your Garden
December 28, 2018Isn’t it beautiful when you see a beautifully landscaped garden? Sure it is. But you need to make some effort to enjoy the view later. That’s why we decided to prepare a list of 8 things that you must pay attention to when preparing your garden for spring. So, let’s start.
Get your shed in order
This is definitely the basic thing to do before spring. First of all, you need to check the condition of your tools and, if necessary, you need to purchase new ones. If there is no need for additional tools, then it would be good to sharpen all the blades. You can also lubricate tools with oil to prevent corrosion. In addition to checking the inventory with which you will maintain the garden, you must also check the land additives to provide quality supplements to the plants. All this needs to be done on time, so you can later pay your attention to the plants.

Clear out weeds, mulch, and debris
This is the other thing which also belongs to the basic before spring actions. To prevent the weed reproduction, you must remove it in time, as well as mulch. If the dead mulch is dried, then you can leave them on the ground in the garden, but if it’s fresh, then it’s best to put it out. The biggest problem can be represented by weeds that have seeds, because they will later multiply and create even bigger problems. It’s best solution to burn them.
All the plants you have in the garden will require pruning. It does not matter whether it’s a young or old plant, it must be pruned. The period of late winter or early spring is best for cutting plants. Some of the plants that you will definitely have to cut are Redbud, Butterfly Bush, Crepe Myrtle, Wisteria, Flowering Dogwood, Butterfly Bush and, of course, Rose. The important things that you have to do between the two pruning is sterilizing pruning shears, because otherwise, some diseases can be transmitted. In addition to the plants that require pruning, there are some that are cut later, and some of them are Lilac, Mountain Laurel, Spring-Blooming Spire and Camellia. Another good thing you can do in this period is the fertilization of the soil so that the plants can get some nutrients.
Prepare the soil
As mentioned in the previous section, an important part of garden preparation for the spring is the quality preparation of the land. For example, fertilizing the soil can significantly affect the health of the plant. It is also important when the plant is pruned. First of all, it is best to treat the soil with a shovel up to a depth of 12 to 14 inches. It is important to take account of the Ph value of the soil as well as the amount of nutrients that are very needed for plants. You can also use dry leaves as compost, but if the leaves are still fresh, then it’s not advisable to use it, but get out of the garden.
Set up new planters and garden beds
If you decide to buy some new plants and flower plants for your garden, first check that you have enough space for them. If you need extra space, you can handle it with, for example, garden beds or with a new pots.
Divide perennials like Daylilies
If in your garden you have perennial plants such as Daylilies or Hostas, you need to separate them a little. In this way they will have enough space for smooth growth. The best time for their separation is early spring. To do this successfully, you must first carefully remove the plant from the ground and do not damage the root. After that, carefully separate them into more units and it is also important to plant them immediately. In this way you will get more plants and you will be able to expand the garden.
Early Planting
If you want to plant bulbs, their advantage is that you can plant them earlier in home conditions. After that, you only need to transplant them into your garden. A similar procedure is also with shrubs and trees. For them, you need to dig a little bigger hole. It should be noted that in both cases it would be good to add some additions to the soil so that the plants would have enough nutrients.
Apply mulch
Finally, one important thing if you want to save time, and also want your garden to be without weeds. If so, then use a mulch that will help you a lot. With mulch, weeds will not be a problem in your garden.