Four Signs You Need To Replace Your Old Bathroom Tiles
July 13, 2021We all know that installing tiles, be it your bathroom or kitchen, gives the space a very neat and chic look. However, like any other electronic appliance, it needs inspection once in a while. Tiles can often develop cracks and constant contact with water or rather any liquid can lead to a number of problems.
Check out Topmozaiek24 to know about all the options you can choose from to re-decorate your bathroom tiles.In order to stay aware of the common problems that you might have to face later, it is always a smart move to know the signs that you need to look for before you decide on re-tiling your bathroom.
Signs To Look For
This guide will give you a detailed account of what to expect and what to look for to make yourself aware with respect to bathroom tiles. Here you go.
1. Mold Formation

Source: rubberduckbathrooms.co.uk
There can be no more obvious reason to change your bathroom tiles and do a complete floor and wall makeover. It not only triggers a disgusting feeling but is also very dangerous. Serious health issues ranging from a runny nose to lung irritation can result from exposure to moods. Some people already having respiratory problems, when coming in contact with molds, can cause serious nasal and sinus issues.
Mold formation takes time. It often forms due to the water that usually slips through the cracks and crevices. Microbes often find these areas ideal for growth since they always stay moist and reproduce at a very fast rate which leads to mold formation.
There are many microbial organisms that can cause mold and based on the microbial organism, the colour code of the mold varies. For example, the common fungi Penicillium gives rise to blue-green mold whereas other common fungi Aspergillus gives rise to whitish green or gray with dark spots.
Molds often leave stains and are very hard to erase. Sometimes low-quality products that are used to wash your bathroom can leave behind stains that are initially not detectable. However, prolonged use of those products in addition to stains as a result of mold formation can look nasty, and hence, your bathroom floor will need to be re-tiled soon.
2. No Visual Appeal Remaining

Source: easypanels.co.uk
If you have recently found a new place for yourself or are sick of the wishy-washy colour tone of the tiles that looks like a hundred years old, it is only time to retile everything about it. Not only does it look ugly, but all the things that you want to decorate your bathroom with to make it your safe haven, all go in vain simply because of the pale colour palette of the bathroom.
Use your imagination and select a colour palette that gives a restful experience when you look at it. If you have minimalist tendencies, work your way through the re-tiling process with no more than two colours. You can opt for geometric patterns which are so satisfying to watch. Do not stop yourself from being creative and add on more tiles if you deem fit.
3. It Looks “Lived In” And Unwelcoming

Source: diynetwork.com
When your bathroom looks “lived in”, sometimes it does not mean the same as not cleaning and scrubbing. It is not a question of your hygiene standards, but rather a result of the number of years of its service. The stains are known to be quite stubborn and no matter what you do, these constantly resist the effects of your chemical products.
Instead of trying and failing constantly as well as investing on chemicals that no longer are effective, make a one-time investment to redo the tiles entirely to give your bathroom a fresh and inviting look. Make sure you colour coordinate with the rest of the things available in your bathroom such as bathtubs, utility closets, shelves etc.
If you are not an expert at this and afraid that you might ruin the plumbing, hire someone who could do it for you. Just make sure you personally go and see the tiles for yourself before you start regretting after you have spent the money on it. The more you procrastinate about it, the more the damage and therefore, the more the service costs. Detect the early signs and get the problem fixed as soon as possible.
4. Damage Due To Rusty Faucets And Discoloured Grout

Source: blesserhouse.com
Apart from the eventual staining of your bathroom tiles because of long years of service, tiles can get damaged and resist cleaning because of rust accumulated in the faucets and shower. Let’s say that you bought a very old house which looks aesthetic but everything that comes along with it is outdated. The house is definitely cheap but will require plenty of alterations.
There are many chemical and DIY guides that can help you get rid of the rust. But when the rust is accumulating over a long stretch of time, the stains are that much harder to do away with. And since the tiles are very old, they have gone brittle which is why it might have cracks. Even if you fix the damaged area, for now, the neighbouring tiles will always be vulnerable to build molds on the inside surface of the tiles.
This again calls for a tile renovation. The grout can also eventually start discolouring and give it a dingy appearance. Once the grout starts becoming penetrative, water may leak into the insides and create molds. If overlooked for a very long time, it will create black or grey spots that will indicate that it is time for re-tiling.
Needless to say, bath time is one of the most self-absorbing rituals in your entire day. After a busy day, it is usually a long bath that you want before you retire for the night. If you live in a busy household or even alone, for that matter, your bathroom is your safe haven as well as your remote escape.
Self-love is important and spending quality bath time is probably just the thing you might be missing. So, don’t compromise on quality, love yourself and do a bathroom makeover as soon as possible!