Gardening Tips And Tricks Every Beginner Should Know
March 19, 2021Are you thinking about indulging in a new hobby? It has to be something that will help you relax and unwind while creating something new. But, what if everyone could enjoy the final result? If this is your main goal, well then, gardening is the right choice for you.
Yes, you will have to invest some time and effort in mastering this skill, but you will spend a lot of time outside and end up with a breath-taking garden and freshly grown produce. Well, before you set out on this journey, here are some things you have to know.
Investigate the soil

Source: latrobe.edu.au
The very first thing you have to do before going out and buying plants is to get familiar with the soil type in your garden. Obviously, you have to choose them accordingly because otherwise, your work won’t be fruitful. The tree most common types are clay, loam, and sand. Each of these has a certain set of features, so you need to learn about those to be able to understand what additives you should use. You can complete this task on your own. There are specialized kits that tell you the Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Potassium, and pH levels. On the other hand, you can contact Studiwork and ask them for help.
Consider weather conditions

Source: midwestliving.com
Surely, you already have flowers in mind that you would like to grow, but you cannot ignore the climate conditions in your area. You cannot expect a tropical plant to thrive in your backyard if the winters in your area are harsh. There is no point in investing time into this project because it will get nowhere. Instead, explore the flowers that are native to your area, and then choose the ones you like the best. It is also a good idea to go with those that are easy to grow since you will need time to master the skill of gardening.
Plan the layout

Source: jfcgm.com
Another important thing you have to do is to decide where you want to put the plants. First of all, there is the matter of the aesthetic appearance. Secondly, if you have small children, you should design a specific area they cannot access easily because they will be fascinated with flowers and probably destroy them. Thirdly, you also have to keep in mind that some plants require direct sunlight, while others need shade. Obviously, you have to take these requirements into consideration not only when choosing the plants but also when deciding where to grow them.
Furthermore, never grow the flowers and vegetables next to each other. Why? This is especially important if you want to have tall flowers in the garden because they will shade the vegetables and prevent them from developing and growing.
Plants or seeds?

Source: hortmag.com
The next decision you have to make is whether you will start with plants or seeds. Well, there are numerous pros and cons of both options, so we will mention only a few. First of all, there is the matter of cost. Naturally, seeds are cheaper, plus you will have that sense of accomplishment when they turn into beautiful vegetables and flowers. In addition, you also have more options to choose between seeds, but if you go with transplants, you can find a hybrid that doesn’t exist in a seed form. Moreover, if you want to go with transplants, you have to grow them at a certain time of the year, and they need a lot of maintenance to adapt to new surroundings successfully. On the other hand, you can plant herb seeds in small containers in your garage. It is also a better option for beginners since you will be able to control the conditions and increase your chances of success.
Write a journal

Source: stocksy.com
We understand how odd this tip may sound, but the truth is that this little notebook can greatly help you in the future. Assuming that you have planted a variety of veggies and flowers, it is a good idea to keep track of their progress, as well as the harvest time. Naturally, you should also include some basic information regarding their maintenance, so you will always know where to turn in case of a difficulty.
Rotate the plants

Source: moving.com
One of the biggest and most common mistakes novices make is that they plant the same type of flowers and veggies in the same place over and over again. The trick is to move them around every couple of years. This is the best way to ensure that the soil stays rich in nutrients that promote their growth. If you don’t do this, the soil will eventually run out of these, so your gardening efforts won’t be so prosperous.
Equip yourself with tools

Source: pinchofseeds.com
It goes without saying that you need specific tools to take up this hobby. Our advice is to start with some basic pieces such as sheers, trowel, rake, and a pair of gloves. Don’t forget about the cultivator that you will use to loosen up the soil, and make sure to get a transplanter that will enable you to measure the right size of the hole when planting.
When it comes to maintaining these, the golden rule is to keep them in a solution of sand and mineral water. Also, make sure to clean them at the end of your gardening session to avoid rust and other deterioration.
When to water?

Source: floweraura.com
It seems that everyone has an opinion on this matter. The most important thing is to avoid doing this during the hottest hours of the day. Some people prefer doing it later in the evening, but this isn’t a good time. Why? Well, even if it isn’t hot outside, a lot of heat will probably still be trapped in the soil. Additionally, if the leaves don’t dry up completely before nightfall, fungus issues may occur. Due to this reason, according to experts, you should always do this early in the morning so that the water doesn’t evaporate due to the heat.
When it comes to the frequency of watering, you should research how much water each type requires, but a general rule is to do it less often but to do it thoroughly, that is, ensure that the water reaches to roots.