6 Best Password Management Practices
July 21, 2021Paying attention to your online security is very important. As we can notice, more and more people are now using the online payment for all kinds of things. Also, we profile on different websites, services, social media, and much more. Whenever you want to register to some service, you will have to share private information, create a user name, and choose a password.
However, according to many experts in online security, you should never have the same password on all your accounts. In case that someone manages to uncover your secret code, you could face serious issues, such as identity theft, stealing of your bank account data, legal issues, and much more. In that matter, the best option is to have a unique password for each online service.
On the other side, remembering a lot of these phrases can be difficult. Therefore, you will need a proper system to manage your password. Here are some of the best practices that will protect your online privacy.
1. Use Password Manager

Source: pcmag.com
The main advantage of this option is the convenience since you will only need to remember that one phrase needed to open this software. You can use it on both mobile and desktop devices. When you register on some password-saving tool, you can connect all other online platforms to it.
Whenever you want to open a website or social media, this program will automatically provide the password. Also, the great solution is to use a feature where the software can generate a long and complex combination of symbols that cannot be discovered by hackers. If you want to learn more about this option, check out Doakio.
2. Avoid Simple Phrases
One of the most common mistakes people are making when they register on some website is that they will choose some simple combination of letters and numbers, like name and year of birth, nickname, or some other word that can be easily identified. That is the main reason why most of the online platforms today require you to create longer and more complex codes for entering.
On the other side, you can still use some combination that you can easily remember, but keep in mind that it has to be something only familiar to you. For example, you can use combination of different names and phrases, along with numbers and characters that won’t be difficult to remember, but it will still be impossible for hackers to detect the combination that long. You can use spaces, dots, and other characters as well.
3. Use 2F Authentication

Source: policedsc.com
This is a commonly used practice for people who have digital wallets and one of the safest ways to protect your data on mobile devices and PC. Banks are using this option as well. For example, when you want to pay something online, entering the data from your card is the only thing required since you will also have to generate a special code in the app provided by the bank. Therefore, even if someone steals your credit card, that person won’t be able to buy anything online.
Besides that, there are some even more advanced methods. Since there is still a chance for someone to pass the 2F authentication, in case that you got your phone stolen, you can add other features like fingerprint scanning and facial recognition. We can notice that many companies are implementing this method, where each employee has to use this system and be the only one that has access to data on a particular PC.
Also, when it comes to businesses, we suggest you to avoid sharing sensitive data on any form of online platforms. For such files, the best option is to use offline computer and external hard drives. The same is with cryptocurrencies, and we can see that it is now a common practice.
4. Never Store Passwords
Another common mistake is that people think that the best way to remember all of their codes is to save them either as a file on their PC or on some paper and wear it in the wallet. However, in case that hackers manage to break into your system, they can easily find this file. On the other side, losing the piece of paper can be struggling as well, especially if you saved a lot of codes there. The only safe way to store passwords is by special software.
5. Don’t Share it With Anyone

Source: securitymagazine.com
You should keep in mind that sharing your usernames and codes with others is the same as you gave someone your wallet or credit card with the code. If you ever get in contact with some service or person who is offering you various interesting deals, but it requires you to provide private data, and create an account while sharing all information with that person, chances are great that it is a scam.
6. Test Your Combinations
Most people will easily decide about the password and what combination to choose. However, that is the main cause why so many of them have problems with managing to remember all of them, which again leads users to go for a simpler solution.
Since using only one word is not safe, you can always test the preferred combination until you find the solution that will guarantee you safety and still be easy to remember. You can find several options for testing online, but you should choose only those testing services from well-known companies.
As you can see, the most important thing is to avoid using too simple phrases or the same one for all of your accounts. The safest method is to combine the systems that we have listed here, especially authentication and password managers.
On the other side, pay attention to the safety of the software that you are using. Be sure to have the most recent protection on your devices, like firewalls and antivirus protection. Besides that, you can add a layer of protection by using encryption. Moreover, avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi or any other suspicious network.