Everything You Need to Know Before Changing Your Number Plates
March 29, 2019 0 By Athena CamposAre you considering buying a new number plates? Do you want to replace your current number plate with a personalized one? Once you have purchased the plate, the next major question on your mind is usually how to change the number plate. Are there any rules for changing a number plate? What are some of the things to consider when changing a number plate? In this guide, we provide you with everything you need to know about changing a number plate or show plate – from Show Plates Direct

source: contactdvla.com
1. Get the Paperwork in Order
Before you physically change the number plate on your vehicle, you must first of all change all the paperwork to ensure the physical number plates legally corresponds with what you have on paper. Here are a few steps to help you get started;
Step 1: The V5C Logbook
To change the physical registration shown on your number plate, you need to begin by sending the V5C logbook to the DVLA with the correct correspondence. If you already have the new mark on a retention certificate, be sure to send this long with the logbook. If you are however changing number plates from one vehicle to another, you need to send the second V5C along with the V317 form.
If you are transferring registration from a form certificate to a vehicle, the Nominee must match the vehicle keeper and the certificate must be valid.
Step 2: Tax and MOT
The DVLA no longer issues new tax discs and MOTs. But they will still need to change your current tax information to correspond with the new number plate. To do this, they only need you to send them the V5C- no additional documentation is required.
It is the law that all vehicles must have tax and MOT and in some cases SORN if you are changing number plates.
Step 3: Insurance
Lastly, you must call your insurance company when changing your number plates to ensure they update your records. Usually, this should be free although you may want to call your insurance company to find out the requirements.
2. Changing Physical Number Plates
Once all the paperwork is ready and in order, you are now ready for the actual process of fitting acrylic number plates on your vehicle

source: youtube
Step 1: Buying Acrylic Plates
You can purchase acrylic number plates from a registered supplier. They usually require that you present your V5C logbook and your Personal ID. You can also choose to have extras added on to the plate including a flag or a colored border.
Step 2: Attaching the Number Plate
There are several ways to attach a number plate to your vehicle. You can choose to use adhesive pads or tamper-proof screws. Tamper-proof screws attach a number plate securely on to the vehicle, preventing theft. If you are attaching the number plates yourself, the easiest way is to unscrew the old number plates and then place the new plates over the new set to drill through the same holes. Keep the protective film on as it prevents the plates from cracking.
Finally, ensure that the number of plates you attach conform to the DVLA rules reading the display of vehicle number plates.